Amundi Asset Management is a privately owned investment manager. The firm provides research, accounting, risk control, management control, treasury, and marketing management solutions for its clients. It provides its services to individuals, institutions, corporations, pension and retirement funds, provident funds, banks, insurance companies, and government entities. The firm manages separate client-focused portfolios. It launches and manages equity, fixed income, and balanced mutual funds for its clients. The firm also launches and manages hedge funds for its clients. It invests in the public equity, fixed income, and hedging markets across the globe.
BTG Pactual
BTG Pactual Group is an investment bank and asset and wealth manager with a dominant franchise in Brazil, and a successful international investment and distribution platform. BTG Pactual Group was founded in 1983 and has operated as a meritocratic partnership since its inception. Currently, BTG Pactual Group has offices on four continents, and provides a comprehensive range of financial services to a Brazilian and global client base that includes corporations, institutional investors, governments and high net worth individuals. BTG Pactual has over 2,000 professionals and offices in four continents: South America (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Recife, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Curitiba, Medellín, Bogotá, Lima and Santiago), North America (New York, Ciudad de México), Europe (London) and Asia (Hong Kong).
Eurosif is the leading non-for-profit pan-European sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) membership organisation whose mission is to promote sustainability through European financial markets. As such, Eurosif performs a number of EU advocacy and public policy related-activities, informed by in-depth primary or secondary research and the expertise of its network. As an authoritative thought leader on SRI matters, Eurosif engages in a range of promotional activities such as public events or discussion fora, both with the industry and policy-makers. Eurosif works as a partnership of several Europe-based national Sustainable Investment Forums (SIFs). Eurosif’s activities are directly supported and informed by a Member Affiliate network of over 60 organisations drawn from the European sustainable investment industry value chain. These Member Affiliates include institutional investors, asset managers, financial services, index providers, ESG research and analysis firms as well as NGOs. These member affiliates represent assets totaling over €1 trillion.
Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana
Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana is a holding company, listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange and registered with the ADR-Level I program in the United States, which holds a significant portfolio of investments in leading Colombian companies as well as other important stakes in other countries of the Americas. This portfolio is mainly concentrated in strategic investments in the financial, insurance and social security sectors and is complemented by other investments in services, food, and cement sectors amongst others. Through its dynamic participation in the steering of the different companies, Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana provides added value to its shareholders, by means of a global vision that allows for synergies to be opportunely detected, encouraged and developed along with new opportunities for creating, growing and expanding the businesses.
LATAM Airlines Group
LATAM Airlines Group S.A. is the new name given to LAN Airlines S.A. as a result of its association with TAM S.A. LATAM Airlines Group S.A. now includes LAN Airlines and its affiliates in Peru, Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador, and LAN Cargo and its affiliates, as well as TAM S.A. and its subsidiaries TAM Linhas Aereas S.A., including its business units TAM Transportes Aereos del Mercosur S.A., TAM Airlines (Paraguay) and Multiplus S.A. This association creates one of the largest airline groups in the world in terms of network connections, providing passenger transport services to about 150 destinations in 22 countries and cargo services to about 169 destinations in 27 countries, with a fleet of 310 aircraft. In total, LATAM Airlines Group S.A. has more than 51,000 employees and its shares are traded in Santiago, as well as on the New York Stock Exchange, in the form of ADRs, and Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, in the form of BDRs.
Principles for Responsible Investment, UN PRI
The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative is an international network of investors working together to put the six Principles for Responsible Investment into practice. Its goal is to understand the implications of sustainability for investors and support signatories to incorporate these issues into their investment decision making and ownership practices. In implementing the Principles, signatories contribute to the development of a more sustainable global financial system. The Principles are voluntary and aspirational. They offer a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practices across asset classes. Responsible investment is a process that must be tailored to fit each organisation’s investment strategy, approach and resources. The Principles are designed to be compatible with the investment styles of large, diversified, institutional investors that operate within a traditional fiduciary framework. The PRI Initiative has quickly become the leading global network for investors to publicly demonstrate their commitment to responsible investment, to collaborate and learn with their peers about the financial and investment implications of ESG issues, and to incorporate these factors into their investment decision making and ownership practices.
Superintendencia de Pensiones
La Superintendencia de Pensiones (SP) es el organismo contralor que representa al Estado al interior del sistema chileno de pensiones. Es una entidad autónoma, cuya máxima autoridad es el Superintendente. Se relaciona con el Gobierno a través del Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social, por intermedio de la Subsecretaría de Previsión Social. Este organismo contralor, técnico y altamente profesionalizado cuyo objetivo es la supervigilancia y control del Sistema de Pensiones Solidarias que administra el Instituto de Previsión Social, de las Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) y de la Administradora de Fondos de Cesantía (AFC), entidad que recauda las cotizaciones, invierte los recursos y paga los beneficios del seguro de cesantía. Su misión es cautelar que los beneficios y las prestaciones del sistema de pensiones, tanto contributivo como solidario, y del seguro de cesantía sean entregadas en tiempo y forma a sus beneficiarios; velar por la seguridad de los ahorros previsionales para vejez, invalidez, sobrevivencia y por los ahorros de cesantía, pertenecientes a los trabajadores y pensionados chilenos y -con este mismo propósito- promover el desarrollo y perfeccionamiento del sistema de pensiones de capitalización individual y de seguro de cesantía vigentes en Chile; y resguardar los Fondos de Pensiones y de Seguro de Cesantía a través de la generación de un marco normativo adecuado y de una fiscalización constructiva que ayude a aumentar la confianza de los usuarios e n el Sistema de Pensiones y de Seguro de Cesantía.